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Transparency Information

PCWA is committed to the principles of accountability and transparency as it carries out its broad range of responsibilities including water resource planning and management, retail and wholesale delivery of irrigation and drinking water, and production of hydroelectric energy. PCWA welcomes inquiries and feedback from its customers and other stakeholders as it remains accessible to the public it serves. Proudly, PCWA is a Recipient of the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence from Special District Leadership Foundation.

Photo of PCWA presented with Transparency excellence certificate

Disclosure of Gifts to the Agency (Form 801)

The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) adopted Regulation 18944.2 that established criteria under which a payment that would otherwise be considered a gift to a public official may be considered a gift to the official's agency. Payments meeting the FPPC's regulation criteria for agencies are required to be disclosed on the FPPC Form 801 and must be posted on the Agency’s website within 30 days of the use of the payment.

As of this date no reports have been filed.

For more information, please visit the Fair Political Practices Commission Homepage at

Useful Links

Placer County Grand Jury Reports & PCWA Responses:

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Mon. - Fri., 8am - 5pm

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