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Customer Services

Business With PCWA


Smart Water Use

Rebate Programs

PCWA is proud to offer a variety of rebate programs which help its customers upgrade to beautiful, low-maintenance, and water-wise landscapes, as well as to incorporate new and more water-efficient household appliances. Water conservation incentives and services can make your home or business require lower water, energy, and landscape maintenance costs, saving you money! Not to mention, increased water efficiency helps to reduce waste, pollution from irrigation runoff, and greenhouse gas emissions from water pumping and heating. Apply today and let PCWA help you upgrade your home and become more water-efficient!

Water Efficient Garden

Current Rebate Programs

New for Commercial Customers

Water Leak - Receive up to a $1,000 rebate for residential customers and up to $2,000 for commercial customers for repairing an indoor or outdoor treated water leak. For additional information see Water Leak Rebate Requirements. Rebate for treated water customers only.

Lawn Replacement - Receive up to a $3,000 rebate for residential customers (at a rate of $3 per square foot) and up to a $15,000 rebate for commercial customers (at a rate of $3 per square foot) for the conversion of a water-thirsty lawn to water-efficient landscaping. See program Terms & Conditions for additional information.

Untreated Water Tank - Receive up to a $1,000 rebate for purchasing and installing a water storage tank more than 2,000 gallons and up to $500 for a tank less than 2,000 gallons. For additional information see Untreated Water Tank Rebate Requirements. Rebate for untreated water customers only.

Irrigation Efficiencies - Receive up to a $500 rebate for residential customers and up to a $2,000 rebate for commercial customers for upgrading existing in-ground irrigation systems with new high efficiency equipment. See program Terms & Conditions for additional information.

New for Commercial Customers

Smart Controller - Receive up to a $250 rebate for residential customers and up to $2,000 for commercial customers for replacing an existing irrigation controller with an EPA WaterSense approved Weather Based Irrigation Controller. For a list of qualifying controllers see: For additional information see Smart Controller Rebate Requirements.


High-Efficiency Toilet (HET)/Urinal - Receive up to a $100 rebate per toilet for the replacement of old 3 Gallons Per Flush (GPF) or Pre-1994 toilets with new high-efficiency 1.28 GPF toilets. For urinals, receive up to a $100 rebate per urinal for the replacement of commercial urinals with EPA WaterSense approved or waterless urinals. See Toilet Rebate Requirements for additional information.

High-Efficiency Clothes Washing Machine - Receive up to a $150 rebate for the replacement of an old clothes washing machine with a new high-efficiency machine that has a CEE Advanced tier 1 or tier 2 water factor. For a list of qualifying machines see: Consortium for Energy Efficiency - Super Efficient Home Appliances Initiative. For additional information see Washer Rebate Requirements.

Additional Information:

* PCWA commercial customers include businesses, schools, government facilities, parks, hotels, restaurants, and churches.

For eligibility requirements or information on rebate programs please call PCWA Customer Services at (530) 823-4850 or email us at

Rebates - General Terms and Conditions

Approved and eligible rebate amounts will be credited to your treated water account.
As the PCWA rebate programs are partially funded by other government grants, they are offered on a first-come, first-served basis and continue until the grant funding ends.

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Mon. - Fri., 8am - 5pm

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