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Customer Services

Business With PCWA



Disconnection of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy

Water Shutoff Policy

Policy on Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment

California law provides options for customers to avoid discontinuation of residential water service for nonpayment of their water bill. Those options include deferred payments or alternative payment schedules, and appealing a water bill.

How Can I Get A Deferred or Alternate Payment Schedule?

A customer who is unable to pay for water service within the normal payment period may request an alternative payment plan to avoid disruption of service. PCWA will consider all circumstances surrounding the request and make a determination as to whether the deferred or alternate payment arrangement is warranted. The payment plan can either defer the amount due to a later date or provide for a payment schedule for the outstanding balance. A plan will require the account to be brought up to date in 60 days but may not exceed 12 months from the original due date. To inquire about an alternate payment schedule, please call Customer Services at (530) 823-4987.

Specific Programs for Low-Income Customer Self Certification

Pursuant to Section 116900 of the Health and Safety Code, Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) will not terminate residential service for nonpayment when specific conditions are met.

All three requirements must be met to avoid disruption of water service:

  • A primary care provider certifies that discontinuation will be life-threatening or poses a serious threat to the health and safety of a resident on the premises where service is provided; and
  • A customer demonstrates he or she is financially unable to pay; and
  • A customer is willing to enter an amortization agreement, alternative payment schedule, or plan for a deferred or reduced payment.

Reduced Reconnection Fees

For residential customers who demonstrate to the Agency a household income below 200 percent of the federal poverty line, the Agency will reduce reconnection fees.

To inquire about eligibility requirements please contact Customer Services at (530) 823-4987 or click the link to complete the Water Shutoff Protection Self Certification Form online.

How Can I Appeal My Water Bill?

Customers may dispute bills, or request an adjustment of bills, within 60 days of the bill date. No penalties or charges accrue on a disputed bill until 10 working days after a response from the Agency.

To have your bill reviewed by customer service staff, please contact our Customer Services department at (530) 823-4850.

If there is no satisfactory resolution by customer service staff, a customer can then have their bill reviewed by a supervisor or manager. If a customer is still dissatisfied with the outcome, the customer may request a review by the General Manager. The General Manager can correct any billing errors made by the Agency. If a resolution is not reached by the General Manager, a final review and decision will be made by the Agency Board of Directors.


Treated Water Shutoffs (annual totals)










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Mon. - Fri., 8am - 5pm

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