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Customer Services

Business With PCWA



Employee Salary Schedule

To view the monthly and annual salary ranges click on the arrow on the left side of each row. To view steps A through F use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table.

Longevity Pay - 2.5% added to employees’ regular hourly rate upon completion of 10 years of service. An additional 2.5% is added to employees’ pay upon completion of 15 years of service.

Confidential Pay - 6% added to employees’ regular hourly rate for those positions which have been designated as confidential.

Current Salary Schedule Table (Effective 12/19/2024)
Class CodeClass Titlesorted ascendingPlanRangeStep AStep BStep CStep DStep EStep F

Rows per page:

1–10 of 147

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Mon. - Fri., 8am - 5pm

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