Business with PCWA
Improvement Standards
Improvement Standards – Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings
This document is the complete set of approved standard specifications, approved materials list and standard drawings. Interim updates to this document will be made from time to time. It is the responsibility of the User, Engineer, Contractor, and/or Developer to verify they are using the latest approved; specifications, standard drawings or approved materials list by checking the latest updates below.
Specification Updates
The specification documents provided here in, are specific edits, changes and/or updates and supersede the current Improvement Standards - Standard Specifications document above.
Standard Drawing Updates
The standard drawings provided here in, are specific edits, changes and/or updates and supersede the current Improvement Standards – Standard Drawings document above.
Updated Approved Materials List
This includes a complete list of Approved Materials and supersedes the current Improvement Standards – Approved Materials List above.
Comments or Suggestions
If you have any comments, corrections or additions you would like considered for inclusion in future updates, please call (530) 823-4886, or submit your question or suggestion online.